Craft Meeting
Another monthly gathering is our Craft Day which also came about because of an additional support meeting needed for our members. It’s a gathering that we make craft items in memory of our children, grandchildren and siblings because we have found using our hands brings us closer to them and it’s therapeutic for us. We feel this saying was written for us …“Sometimes I touch the things you used to touch looking for echoes of your fingers”.
Some of the items we have made are, photo pendants, scrapbooks, photo tiles, memory flags, ornaments, pillows, photo shirts, candles, bracelets and many other items.
Our craft days are held on a Saturday from 10 am until 1 pm. The dates can change so we post the date in our Newsletter or on our Livonia Facebook page. Reservations will need to be made so that we have enough supplies.
A Few Examples of Craft Projects

February Next Meeting:
No craft meeting in February